In one sentence… A-Z rescue through rehabilitation. That is Abolish Slavery’s mission. Other orgs talk about trafficking. But the problem is, they only do part of the work required to reintroduce trafficked victims back into society. They are not willing or do not have the capacity to do the work required.
These are the areas Abolish Slavery excels in. The investigative work to find trafficked persons, then implement a plan to rescue them. Then the hard part starts. What saves lives is taking care of these victims after they are rescued. Including not only their, necessary immediate, needs but also travel and accommodations to ensure victims have everything they need to succeed.
Rehabilitation is by and large the most costly component. AS invests that time and effort, in victims, to ensure they are less vulnerable nor prone to return to the trafficking circle. But ready, to re-enter society a whole person. Through clothing, medical necessities, psychology, education, tuitions, cellphones and laptops can help cross the digital divide. Many victims are able to learn to read and write, finish school, and get a GED.
Your generous help can make this happen.
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To learn more:
Slave Hunter: Freeing Victims of Human Trafficking https://www.amazon.com/dp/1439177589/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F7RD3T6KMB1CHRX2BZ13
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